Do you want to learn how to nail Facebook Ads?
Or, perhaps you want to have a big launch, a 5 or 6 figure one – but you’re not sure how.
You see, I wasn’t an overnight success story. I had a skill and a passion and I wanted to help others with it…just like you.
Sure, getting a client here and there was great, but I wanted consistent clients, consistent sales, and consistent impact (am I right?!).
I didn’t want to solely rely on referrals or my daily social media postings. No, I wanted a plan. A strategic way to get new leads (aka potential customers) into my business funnel and then an authentic way to turn them into paying clients.
I had already launched 2 programs that were complete flops! My first program I only had 1 sale – talk about disappointing. My second program I had 6 sales, so not a total failure, but definitely didn’t get me to the 5-figure mark.
So needless to say, I gave up on launching and going “big”. I focused on my clients for the next
year and a half. I worked with 6 and multi-6 figure clients and helped them create a strategic
plan of action that would get them to their specific personal goals.
So needless to say, I gave up on launching and going “big”. I focused on my clients for the next
year and a half. I worked with 6 and multi-6 figure clients and helped them create a strategic
plan of action that would get them to their specific personal goals.
So needless to say, I gave up on launching and going “big”. I focused on my clients for the next
year and a half. I worked with 6 and multi-6 figure clients and helped them create a strategic
plan of action that would get them to their specific personal goals.