Since 2004, Maticon has provided consultancy services within the field of mechanical- and structural engineering. The company is highly specialized within design and structural calculations of pressurized equipment according to various international design codes and standards, including EN 13445, EN 13480, EN 12952, ASME BPVC, PD 5500 code, AD 2000 code (AD-Merkblätter) etc. All calculations are carried out using specialized calculation software, the finite element method or regular in-house developed spreadsheets. Maticon furthermore participates in the Danish Standards Foundation Committee S-132 for pressurized equipment. Within the past couple of years several assignments concerning temporary structures such as tents, grandstands, mobile stages etc. has been carried out. This involves strength calculations, design checks or evaluation of the costumer performed structural calculations, such that the technical documentation complies with the Danish certification rules for temporary structures, the Danish Building Regulations (BR15) and the Eurocodes, including specific European standards as EN 13782, EN 13200, EN 13814 etc. Lately, inspection of playground equipment and calculation of the structural integrity according to EN 1176, EN 1177 and EN 12572 for artificial climbing structures (ACS), has been added to the company’s portfolio.